Rebellion Begins

Below is the timeline of the episodes behind the tale of Arya, a Force-wielding Echani Armorer-Guardian, who has been drawn into the fight against the Empire and the Darkness.

The tale begins well before the events of Star Wars Rogue One and prior to the Imperial occupation of Jedha, situating it approximately at the beginning of Star Wars Andor. The storyline is a combination of Canon, Legends and free-form storytelling.

The images of Arya Raseri used throughout the story have been synthetically generated with iOS Dream app by Wombo, modified in Pixelmator Pro, processed with Waterlogue Pro and compressed using Squash.

First Contact

Arya and navigate delicate negotiations with the anti-Empire swoop gang, the Cloud Riders, blending diplomacy and craftsmanship for unity.


Aboard the Little Piggy, chaos ensues as unexpected Imperial presence forces them to flee Sullust. With a new destination set, Arya delves into Jedi training through mysterious visions

Hunter & Prey

In a tense , Arya faces off against Cassian Andor, blasters drawn. But when intervenes, a new mission begins, fraught with danger and intrigue.


Arya infiltrates a tense Imperial-ruled city, concealing her identity. In a cantina, a mission turns chaotic as a contact is killed, leading to a face-off with a dark-haired adversary.

Into Darkness

As the Little Piggy hurtled through hyperspace, Arya dedicated her time to private pursuits. It was during this period that called a briefing, shedding light on their destination —…

The Falconer

Arya faces the perilous task of loading special cargo onto The Falconer freighter under the Empire's watchful eye. Protecting Leia and their mission is paramount.

Mercy Missions

Arya and her team arrive on , where she feels a strange familiarity upon meeting Leia. She educates Leia on tactical attire and builds trust with Senator Organa. They learn…

Path to Unity

Rebels gather in the Old Gather House, led by Senator Mon Mothma. She highlights the Empire's atrocities and urges unity. , accompanied by Bistan and Porkins, sets off on a…

Life on Chandrila

Arya dedicates herself to supporting the Rebel cause on Chandrila, working alongside Wexley. She becomes involved with the Hannah Institute and forms a connection with Lor San Tekka, an…

Ancient Path

Avoiding conflict, the party of an Echani, , Kaminoan, Human, and a Droid press deeper into the city to find the one person who will escort them into the Temple…

Behold Jedha

The uneventful yet noisy trip to Jedha leads to a close encounter with some past acquaintances.

Just Run

makes a discovery about his new traveling partner. Arya learns the reason why people carry blasters… the hard way.

Lost Friend

In rural Eshan, a tooka finds its way into a workshop and sets into motion the return of an Echani Guardian armorer to her true path.

Clone Wars Begin

22 BBY. The establishment of the Confederacy of Independent Systems across mid-rim and outer-rim worlds ignited into the Clone Wars. The Clone Wars are now understood to have been a…

Naboo Crisis

32 BBY. Trade Federation begins a blockade, invasion and occupation of Naboo, which ends in the destruction of occupying forces by coordinated actions across Naboo, intervention of the Republic and…

Ruusan Reformation

1000 BBY. Following the end of the New Sith Wars and the Seventh Battle of Ruusan, the Ruusan Reformation restructured the entire Galactic Republic, stripping power away from the Supreme…